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Top 10 apps for the Camino
General, News, Route information, Tips and Tricks

Top 10 apps for the Camino

With the news that the Camino Ninja app is again available to pilgrims and will be updated regularly going forward, the time is maybe ripe to look at some of the most helpful and beloved Camino apps, websites and resources. Here is our list of the top 10 apps to consider when doing the Camino, in no particular order. 1. Camino Ninja After the passing of its creator in July 2022, the Camino Ninja app was not available on the app store or play store for a while, but it is back and has been updated (and will reportedly continue to be going forward, according to Peter Eich who has taken it over from its late creator Andy Jensen). It is now again available from both the Apple istore and the Google Playstore.It is free and offers offline information about accomodation and routes along...